Special Offers

We are committed to offering you the best value every visit. Check out our current special offers:

Please note all special offers in-store are available while stocks last


Check the Latest News page for the latest offers/new products


In-store we have the new Royal Canin loyalty schemes! The link to enrol in the scheme is in the Latest News section. The card is available in-store.


We have the 48 pack of James Wellbeloved dog pouches in their new smaller 90g size - £34.00.


We are operating the Eukanuba loyalty scheme - with a loyalty card, the 6th bag purchased from our shop is free.


We are also operating the Fish4Dogs loyalty scheme - with a loyalty card, the 6th bag (1.5kg, 6kg or 12kg) purchased from our shop is free, making us cheaper than buying online, even directly from Fish4Dogs!


We have a special everyday low price on Hill's Science Plan dog and cat wet or dry food. This works out to roughly 20% off!


We also have the Hill's Science Plan loyalty scheme - with a loyalty card, the 7th bag of dry food or box of wet cat food purchased from our shop is free!


Fish4Cats now has 75g cat tins in 15 fishy flavours. We are doing a reduced price of £1.25 (RRP £1.39).


Thrive Complete wet Cat food has expanded its range to include Beef with Vegetables, Chicken with Vegetables, Chicken and Liver with Vegetables, Sardine and Mackerel, Tuna with Vegetables and Tuna, Shrimp and Squid. We also have their Kitten tins! All available at 95p (RRP £1.19).


Thrive has also expanded its range of dog and cat treats. We have Salmon cat treats (£3.49 for 20g and £16.99 for 121g tubs) and for dogs there are Chicken Hearts (£3.49) and Duck Necks (£9.99).


Vitakraft Cat Sticks mini - we have 3 for £3.00 at the moment (RRP £1.50)!


Vitakraft Beefsticks for Dogs - multibuy offer of 5 for £2.60! Choose from 4 flavours. RRP is £1 each.


Vitakraft Magic Clean Litter is at the reduced price of £12.49 (RRP £14.99).

Our Address:

Broadway Pet Stores

6-8 Muswell Hill Broadway


N10 3RT

Main Tel: 020 8883 3200

Mobile 1: 07791 646723

Mobile 2: 07854 156883

Mobile 3: 07976 727134


Email: broadwaypetstores@gmail.com

Christmas and New Year's Hours

We will be open 6 days a week from

Mon 2nd to Christmas from 9am to 5.30pm

We will be closed on Christmas & Boxing Days

On Fri 27th we will be open from 10am to 4pm

On Sat 28th we will be open from 9am-5.30pm

On Monday 30th we will be closed


On Tues 31st we will be open from 9am-5.30pm

We will be closed on New Year's Day

Our usual hours of Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm will resume after this


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our customers!

50th Anniversary Celebrations

50 years of Nigel Wheatley at Broadway Pet Stores! Years of memories at Muswell Hill and being a part of the local community. In 2023 we celebrated this amazing achievement.

Latest News

We are no longer selling animals in-store. We are serving customers in-store and doing deliveries locally. You can also call to reserve an item or place an order to collect.

New foods available!

We can now order Barking Heads and Meowing Heads foods! Deliveries can come to us twice a week

Loyalty Scheme for  Royal Canin customers

We have the Loyalty scheme for Royal Canin so you can earn points with us to get money off or gifts. Go to the Latest News page for more information

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