Dry food, Wet foods (foils, pouches and tins), Complete Frozen foods, Minces and Tripes. - For a list of brands stocked see the Suppliers list
Fish4Dogs Fish Jerky treats, Pet Munchies Natural Dried Meat treats, Thrive and ProReward freeze-dried meat treats, Vitakraft Meaty Sticks.
Also Dried Natural Meat treats including Dried Chicken Feet, Dried Flat Beef (gullet), Dried Tripe, Puff Jerky (lung), Paddywack (neck sinew), Trachea and Pizzles.
Rawhide chews in a variety of sizes, strengths and shapes. Bamboo & nylon chews, GoodWood Coffee tree wood chews, Yak cheese chews, Antlers, Veal Ribs, Ham Bones.
Nylon and Leather collars, Nylon, Leather and Rope leads, Nylon and Padded Harnesses
T-shirts, Coats, Jumpers, Tweed bow ties and flat caps
Brushes, Combs, Scissors, Electric clippers, Nail clippers and Furminator deshedding brushes
Rubber, Vinyl, Rope, Tennis ball toys, Tugs and Squeakers
Pet Mate dog doors and Sureflap Microchip Small Dog Door
Spot-on flea drops, Household flea sprays, Pesticide-free household sprays, Flea combs and Deworming tablets
House Training pads and Treats for Training
Plastic and Material carriers
Flat and Rolled poop bags. New - compostable rolled poop bags!
Metal, Plastic, Ceramic bowls (plain and patterned) and Dinner mats
Savic metal training crates